Classic Marathon Running: The Ultimate Nutritional Challenge
Highly inspired of the forcoming 30th Athens Classic Marathon and with
unexpected participation, these 15 days seem ideal for your proper nutritional
plan , not only for finish, but for achieving your personal record. So, don’t leave
essential nutritional tasks for the last minute, and get into the line as a
real marathon runner.
Before the race:
Don’t be burned before starting point: According to ACSM Protocol,
the week before the race, reduce gradually the amount and the training level and
take a day off the last day, to give the chance to your body to stretch.
2. Load carbo not fatigue: Optimize your performance and refuel muscle glycogen,
following an one-week carbohydrate load protocol, and especially the 3 last
days the “carbos” have to be the 60-70% of the daily energy consumption. It
seems to be scaring, but with a well-organized nutrition plan, you make your
race easier. Alternatively, the one-day carbo-loading offers 100gr carbohydrates
/ kg body weight.
3. Hydrate on time : The amount of fluids you lose during the training is subjective. An efficient
way to calculate the specified volume is to check out your body weight before
and after the training. As the starting point is closer, you have to consume a
generous amount of fluids, considering the electrolytes, adding more salt to
your meals.
4. Coffee time! : Caffeine helps you to training in a higher level,
making you feel stronger, alerted and reduces the subjective feeling of
fatigue. Try the caffeine effect during the training, not straight through the
race. The safe and effective amount of caffeine is suggested to be 1-3 mg/kg that
is fulfilled by two espressos.
5. Don’t experiment during the race: Remember that this race is
hard, difficult and not proper for trials, concerning innovative nutrition
plans and changes in your training program, during the race. You could try
anything new and different during your training days.
Starting point:
6. Do not skip meals: The practice of skipping
the breakfast meal before the Marathon it doesn’t working. 2-3 hours before the
start the sufficient liquid consumption in combination with a low fat- high
carbohydrate food (honey, white bread, natural juice , energy bar) is ideal. In
general, avoid dairy products and high fiber snacks, in case of gastrointestinal
On the way:
7. Elite coordination: During the race your aim is the hydration and the stable levels of blood glucose. You have to be trained to consume 150-250ml of
liquids every 15-20 min. You have to know your sweating rate, to avoid dehydration
and hyponatriaimia caused by excessive water consumption. To stabilize your blood
glucose, researchers propose consumption of 40-60gr carbohydrate per hour, which
provided by sport drinks fortified with electrolytes.
8. Plan it: After worked the route, checked
your pace, try to find the re-fuel stations on the road and use them
«One goal, without plan, is just a wish»
1. American College of Sports Medicine ; American Dietetic Association;
Dietitians of Canada .
Joint Position Statement: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. American College of Sports Medicine ;
American Dietetic Association; Dietitians of Canada . Med Sci Sports Exerc
2. American College of Sports Medicine, Sawka MN, Burke LM, Eichner ER,
Maughan RJ, Montain SJ, Stachenfeld NS. American College
of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Exercise and Fluid Replacement. Med Sci
Sports Exerc 2007; 39:377-390.
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